I was 7 months pregnant when I decided I wanted to cloth diaper my baby. It was a decision that involved much thinking on my part: what will my husband say? will he agree? will he understand? will it be difficult? what’s a pocket diaper? what’s a prefold? where the heck am I going to find cloth diapers in Hawaii? …
After reading countless websites on how “cloth is better than disposables”, I decided my main reason for agreeing with this statement was that disposable diapers take an estimated time of 500 years to decompose, and that they are the #1 item in landfills.
Well, I do live on an island with an already limited “trash space”, so why would I want to contribute even more to this problem? I then decided to seriously consider cloth diapering.
I then found my second best reason to use cloth: SAVING MONEY!!! Cloth diapers are reuseable diapers, you wash them, dry them, and they are good to go again. The only downside to this was that I would have to invest some money upfront to start my “stash” of cloth diapers - since a newborn goes through around 12 diapers a day, you can guess how many diapers we would need… However, I would end up spending less money on the long run – even more if we were planning to have more kids (and we are!).
After presenting these very good arguments to my husband, and showing him what a cloth diaper looked like online, he reluctantly accepted my decision saying: “well it’s going to be more work for you, but since I won’t be washing diapers, it’s up to you”. I tell you, it’s a little more work, but for an excellent cause.
And so the adventure beginned…
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